Logo and packaging design

CASE // Pharmacosmos Logo and packaging design For the global launch of MonoFer, a high-dose iron preparation from Pharmacosmos, we developed a powerful graphic identity. The design had to be as instantly recognisable on the product packaging as it was across all digital and printed material. The audience was physicians and hospitals. Within its category … Read More

Ein smuttur

CASE // Germany Travel Ein Smuttur til Tyskland Most Danes just drive through Germany on their way to countries like France, Italy and Austria. If they stop in Germany it is for fueling the car, go to the toilet or get some sleep before the journey continues. Germany Travel wanted to change that. A new … Read More

Magazine, ads, Facebook and in store material

CASE // Ishøj Bycenter Magazine, ads, Facebook and in store material We worked with Copenhagen shopping center Ishøj By Center to develop a new, happier and colourful image. An image that meets the customer at eye level every day in the center as well as at various touch points such as posters, adds, billboards, website … Read More

Annual Report

Georg Jensen, who specialise in luxury design across five continents, needed an annual report to present all they’d achieved in 2010.The company saw impressive financial success during that year despite their market suffering from the financial crisis, that’s something to be proud of! For Georg Jensen we created a sleek and sophisticated report that showcased … Read More