Life begins at the end of your comfort zone

Windows // Comfort Zone Life begins at the end of your comfort zone Do something different and see what happens. Smile to a stranger in the bus. Order a dish you haven’t tasted before. Go to a city you have never visited. Try it….it might be fantastic. When we create advertising inside this window we … Read More

I am too smart to sit here in a window

Windows // DJØF I am too smart to sit here in a window When you are looking for a new job you are very often competing with hundreds of other job seekers. How do you make sure you stand out in the eyes of the HR-manager receiving a massive number of job applications looking more … Read More

Fashion is for idiots

Windows // Fashion Is For Idiots Fashion Is For Idiots We’re all slaves to fashion. We’re all fucking idiots. Sometimes. Mary had a little lamb but like the rest of the flock it ended up at the slaughter house, only dead fish follow the stream blah, blah, blah. But true. Mass uniformity will never get … Read More

Revolt against the force of habit

Windows // Against the force Revolt against the force of habit If you keep doing things the same way, you´ll never advance, conquer new ground, or be alive to the world around you. Don´t be boring, rebel against a robotic life. Start by breaking a few habits today – take a different route home, order … Read More

Det var dog den stiveste…!

Windows // Den Stiveste Det var dog den stiveste…! Vi ved det godt TV2. Det ER dumt. Det er også lidt plat. Men det er altså også lidt sjovt…ikke mindst at dømme efter de hundredvis af mennesker, som stoppede op, grinede og tog billeder. Der skal nok også være en enkelt, der rystede på hovedet…altså … Read More

New wall cuts Copenhagen in two

Windows // The Wall New wall cuts Copenhagen in two 25 years ago Germany was reunified – one of the biggest historical moments in the past century. Thousands of families that had been separated for almost 30 years were finally reunited. Stop and think The biggest symbol regarding the reunification is beyond doubt the demolishing … Read More